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In the airport in Detroit, sending an e-mail to my prof asking for an extension…  didn’t want to waste the five minutes I have left of the fifteen I paid for… thought I’d post something.

Very funny thing – in line at the Northwest counter at 4:45 am I met an acquaintance, a good guy I’ve just never spent much time with although I’ve always thought he’s nice.  Turns out that he did his thesis at Steubenville on the concept of marriage as gift in the theology of the body…  and he was on my flight to Detroit.  So we talked theology and philosophy and things all the way from Dayton to Detroit, and while walking around the Detroit airport looking for a Starbucks (coffee… good…).  Now he’s off to a young adult conference in San Francisco, and I’m off to my gate to snooze a little before my flight to Milwaukee.  It was pretty awesome, the kind of random that isn’t random at all.  God’s pretty cool, ya know.

Oh, and so you don’t get any ideas (I know how some of you people think) he’s engaged to a very nice girl, and they’re getting married in November.  Which makes me very, very happy.